Too much news for the eve of a new year
Blacks, at least some of whom were unarmed, being shot by police.
Aleppo, Syria, being bombed out of existence. More U.S. troops being sent to Iraq.
The first debate between U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
The death of Shimon Peres.
And, on a more personal note, a return to the Emergency Room for my husband, who came home a day and a half later with a surgically-implanted stent in one kidney and plans for at least one more round of surgery to remove the kidney stones. No hagbah for you, sweets!
With all that, plus my own three eye surgeries since last Rosh HaShanah, all I can say about this year is goodbye and good riddance.
And now, for your amusement:
Me: Have you heard about the Donald Trump Foundation not being legally certified by New York State to solicit charity? How could he not have known to get state authorization? If his accountant didn't tell him, the accountant's an idiot.
Hubster CPA: He probably doesn't have an accountant.
Think about that for a minute--if Trump thinks he's an expert in everything and doesn't listen to anyone else (except possibly his lawyers), why would he bother paying for an accountant?
Shanah Tovah u-M'tukah--have a good and sweet (and healthy!) new year.